These methods only allow the CD to be viewed on a computer.
      The idea of being able to copy a DVD to a CD is to be able to watch a movie you have purchased on your computer, without having to have a DVD player in each computer you use.
      Then, you can take the movie you have purchased and play it on any Windows computer with a CD-ROM drive.

There are 4 steps to copying a DVD to CD.
1. Copying the DVD to your hard drive.
2. Compressing the DVD files to an avi file format.
3. Compressing the sound from the avi file to mp3 format.
4. Copying the avi file to CD.


      It is required that you have a DVD drive in your computer to copy the files from your DVD to your hard drive. So, put the DVD into your DVD drive. Then, you have to use a program to un-lock the DVD drive and copy the files from the DVD drive to the hard drive.

      The reason you need a program (rather than just using copy and paste), is because most DVD players have a lock on the files within DVDs. It's copy protection!

      So, open DVD Decrypter, and pull the files off of the DVD to the hard drive. Put them in a temporary folder.

      DVD Decrypter is the most simple program for copying DVDs to your hard drive I've found yet.
      First off, make sure the Source is the 'VIDEO_TS' folder on your DVD drive in the computer.
      Then, make sure the Destination is where you want to save it on your hard drive.

      Go to the 'Edit' menu and choose 'Select Main Movie Files'.

      Most movie DVDs will work this way. It's easy, and simple.
      Click on the 'File' menu, and choose the 'Decrypt' option to start copying the DVD to your hard drive.

* Note *
      The first time using this program, the settings should be checked for your convinence.
      To reach the settings, click on the 'Tools' menu and choose 'settings'.

      The options should appear the same way on your screen as they do here for optimal settings.
      The only option which should appear different on your machine is the 'Default Destination:'

* Also *
      Some DVDs will not be copied correctly if 'Select Main Movie Files' is chosen.
      To copy the correct files to your hard drive, you'll have to decide which files need to be copied.

      How do you know which files containe the movie? You guess.
      It's an educated guess. The largest group of files would be the moved.

* In more detail: *
  • There are a lot of files, so you need to know which ones are necessary, because you don't want to copy extra files to your hard drive if you don't have a lot of extra space.
  • Notice the files on the DVD are in a certain order.
  • There are 3 types of files, VOB, IFO, and BUP.
  • VOB files contain video, subtitles, and sound. (VOB stands for Video Object)
  • IFO files contain information about region encoding, chapters, and WHEN to display the subtitles. (IFO stand for Information)
  • BUP files are practically useless. BUP stands for Back-Up. It should be an exact copy of the IFO file. It's there in case the IFO file became corrupt.
  • The VOB files are listed in an order from 0 to the end of the video clip.
  • The VOB_xx_0.VOB file is useless for our purpose because it should just contain the menus for the movie.
  • VOB_xx_1.VOB to VOB_xx_x.VOB should be the actual movie.
  • Which ever group of files has the largest number like, VOB_01_9.VOB would be the movie.
  • Any other files, such as one that reaches 3 files (VOB_08_3.VOB) would be some extra features on the DVD.
  • So, once again, it's an educated guess. The largest group of files would be the moved.

    (By the way, each VOB file besides the 0 file is usually 1GB, so you need some space on the HD.)

  • 2. Compressing the DVD files to an avi file format.

          We need to gather some inforamtion first.
          How long (in minutes) is your movie going to be?
          For the sake of compression quality, let's try calculating the leinght of the movie without the opening and closing credits.
          Then, open a DivX bitrate calculator, like this one:

    Enter the leigth of the movie in minutes.
    Select the quality of the sound you'd like. Usually '128 kBit/s, Stereo - 16kb/s'.
    Leave '#AudioStreams:' at '1 Stream'.
    Select which CD size you want to use.
    The 'Set Video DivX;-) Bitrate:' should be calculated in blue.
    Write down the number of Kbit/s for both the sound and DivX;-) Bitrate.
    Close the program!

    Open 'FlasK MPEG' -> Click on 'File' and choose 'Open File'. (Choose 'Open DVD' if you want sub-titles.)

    Choose 'VTS_01_1.VOB' (or the #1 file you want to compress). (Choose the .IFO file for the option of sub-titles.)

    * (Don't choose the #0 file, because you don't want to compress a menu as part of the movie. It will also not display all the options for audio.)


    Click on 'OPEN', and a warning will apper if you selected the VTS_xx_1.VOB file. Click 'OK'.

    The warning is telling you it'll link all those files together for you, so they'll be one movie file when you're done.

    The Stream Selector screen should appear. It's used to select camera angels and sound options.

    In this case, I'll select the 0x80 track, because it's usually in English.
       If copying subtitles:
    * If more than 1 video option appears, select the longest one available.
    * If you're copying the sub-titles, the audio and subtitles should be labled.
    Then, click on 'Flask It', which will take you back to the original Flask screen.

    The first time the program is used, it should be checked to make sure it is set to 'AVI Out'.
    To set the program to 'AVI Out', click on 'Options' -> 'Select Output Format' -> make sure 'AVI Output' is checked.

    Each time a movie is encoded, the settings need to be checked.
    Click on the 'Options' menu and choose 'Global Project Options (Export Movie Settings)'.

  • Don't bother with the 'Frame size' section, it'll take care of itself.
  • 'iDCT Options' should be left on fastest, as the quality between each of the choices are not significant.
  • I usually set 'Time Base (fps)' to 23.976, but if a movie appears to jearky when the movie pans from left to right or vice versa, change the frame rate to 29.97.
  • The movie really does move better when all the options under 'Video Structure' are checked.

    This is a very important part that takes care of the 'Frame size' for you.
    Click on the 'Show Output Pad' button.

    (This is just part of what the entire preview shows me of the movie.)

  • To begin, click on the 'Reset settings' button.
         The numbers in the upper-left of the preview pane should say '720 x 480'.
  • Click on the minus sign next to 'Width' in the 'Output Size' section.
         Keep doing this until the preview pane is as wide as you'd like your movie to be.
         Do the same for 'Height', in the 'Output Size' section.

    In the next screen shot, you'll see my picture did get smaller, and the numbers in the upper left also decreased.

         Why would we want to make it smaller?
         Because the movie would look bad if we copied it to 1 CD. The pictures loose quality as they compress.
         The larger the picture, the more quality is lost durring compression.
         If we want the movie to be split-up into 2 CDs, we could use a compression ratio that would keep the video clear in it's original size.

         Now, we'll want to get rid of unwanted edges.
         In this example, it's a black space on the right side of the picture.
         Each DVD will have different ammounts of black space around the picture.
         In some cases, the black space will be on the top and bottom of the picture, because it's in letter-box or wide-screen.

    Check the 'Crop' box.

  • If you want to get rid of black on the left or the right of the screen, click on the minus sign next to 'Width' in the 'Crop' section.
  • If you want to get rid of black on the top or bottom of the screen, click on the minus sign next to 'Height' in the 'Crop' section.
    * This is cutting off some of the screen, hopefully just the black part.
  • If getting rid of black on the sides, click on the minus sign next to 'Left offset'.
  • If doing the same for the top or bottom, click on the minus sign next to 'Top offset'.
    * In my example, I chose the 'Left offset'. I clicked on it 2 times, which moved the screen to the left a bit.
    Click on 'Hide' when you're done setting up these options.

    Click on the Audio tab.

    Select 'Decode audio'. Check 'Same as input'.
    * You may need to uncheck 'Same as inupt' and check '48000 Hz' the first time.

    Go to the 'Post Processing' tab.

    The options on this page should only need to be set the first time using the program.
  • Select 'HQ Bicubic Filtering'.
  • Check 'Keep aspect ratio'.
  • Leave the other options here alone.

    Click on the 'Files' tab.

    Set the output file to a directory and file name you'd like to use.
    Leave 'Warn me before overwritting a file' checked.

    Click on the 'General' tab.

         I usually leave everything here at default.
         Compiling time should split the file into the frames or seconds you specify, however, it doesn't seem to work properly.
         I've never needed to change the search size.
         I've never checked the 'Shut down the computer after finishing the job'.
         'Read-Cache in KB' is set to 256 by default. It should sposedly run faster if the number's set lower. I've not noticed a change.

    Click on OK.
    Back in the opening Flask screen, click on the 'Options' menu and choose 'Output Format Options'.

    Click on 'Select Codec'. The following screen will appear:

    Click on the tri-angle next to 'Cinepak Codec by Radius' to get the pull-down menu.

    Select 'DivX ;-) MPEG-4 Low-Motion' and click on 'OK'.
    The following screen will appear:

         I set the 'Keyframe to every' 4 'seconds', however, you may set it as high as 15 seconds.
    * (I don't see an advantage to using a high number, but I know there's an advantage to using low numbers.)
         I leave the 'Compression Control' to 100. Setting it down blurs the movie a bit, but might help get rid of jerks or freezes.
         'Data Rate' is very improtant. It's the key to using DivX successfully.
         Remember the bitrate given to us from the bitrate calculator? This is where it's entered into the process.
         Click on 'OK' when you're done.

    Click on the 'Select Codec' button under 'Audio'. The following screen will appear:

    Make sure the format is 'PCM' and 'Attributes' is set to '48,000 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo 188 KB/s'.
    Click on 'OK'. Click on 'OK' again.

    You should be back in the opening Flask screen.

    Click on the 'Run...' menu and choose 'Start Conversion'.
    A similar screen to this should appear:

         As you can see, this process will take a while. This one is estimated at more than 12 hours.
         You can tell why when you see it's encoding at 7.09 frames per second, while the movie will play at 23.976 frames per second.
         Is there a way to encode faster? YES!
         Make the video picture smaller. Get a faster processor.

    3. Compressing the sound from the avi file to mp3 format.

          Open Virtual Dub.

    Click on the 'File' menu and choose 'Open Video File...'.

    Select the .avi file created by Flask, and then click on 'Open'.

    Click on the 'Video' menu and choose 'Direct stream copy'.

    Click on the 'Audio' menu and select 'Full processing mode'.

    Click on the 'Audio' menu again, and choose 'Interleaving...'.
    Uncheck 'Enable audio/video interleaving'. Click on 'OK'.

    Click on the 'Audio' menu again, and choose 'Conversion...'.
    Select '44100Hz' and check 'High quality'. Click on 'OK'.

    Click on the 'Audio' menu again, and choose 'Compression...'.
    Click on 'MPEG Layer-3' on the left-hand side, then choose '128kBit/s, 44,100 Hz, Stereo 16Kb/s'.
    Click on 'OK'.

    Click on the 'Options' menu, and un-check 'Sync to audio'.

    Click on the 'File' menu and choose 'Save as AVI...'.

    Give it a name, and click Save. Check out the Total Time.
    It'll take about half the time stated. (Because the video is already compressed.)

    4. Copying the avi file to CD.

    To do this, you'll need a CD burner. And then you just create a Data CD and copy the final AVI file to the CD.
    Each computer you want to watch the movie on will need the DivX codec installed on it, so try to place the DivX codec on each CD you create with a DivX movie.

    From here on out, you're left to your own devices. Good Luck.
    Play with the options in the programs you run.
  • Make sure you close the program and re-open it before encoding a second time, or the sound might not copy on the second encoding.
  • FlasK is know to cause Illegal Operations when running the program.
  • Make sure you're using IE 5.5 and have all the updates you can find for your system.
  • You may need to try two or three different DVD copying programs before you find one that'll work on your sysetm. Try CladDVD and SmartRipper.
  • Subtitles do not alway copy in Flask correctly. Alternate ways of gathering subtitles
  • Also: download and install as many codecs as possible, then re-install the DivX codec.

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